Monday, August 30, 2010


"….....I was sitting writing on my textbook, but the work did not progress; my thoughts were elsewhere.

I turned my chair to the fireplace and dozed. Again the atoms were gambolling before my eyes. This time the smaller groups kept modestly in the background. My mental eye, rendered more acute by the repeated visions of the kind, could now distinguish larger structures of manifold conformation; long rows sometimes more closely fitted together all twining and twisting in snake-like motion. I was in midst of some mazes. But look! What was that? One of the snakes had seized hold of its own tail, and the form whirled mockingly before my eyes. To what I referred to as the “bhool bhullaiya” of wall whirls…. a flash of lightning I woke up; and this time also I spent the rest of the night in working out the consequences of the hypothesis I just saw….though half of it had elapsed from my nerve cords as I woke up…."

When you go to sleep, the chords of your mind detach themselves from this world and get attached with those of another world…you are unaware of the happenings around yourself… yet you feel you are conscious, but not in this world…in some other world… the dream world, the fantasy land, where sometimes you see beauty, adventure, fun and sometimes horrors and nightmares…
The most amazing feature of this new world is that… when you are in it…you don’t know that it’s unreal…everything seems more than real…
This reminds me the words of Morpheus in the Matrix:
“If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain”
And I like to believe this statement, because it vaguely tries to omit the demarcation between the real and the “dreams-not so real”…………but not entirely unreal…….

The wonderland of your own architecture, where you are the creator of boulders and fantasies…where our subtle hidden piece of mind comes into action….. may be beauty, may be adventure, may be fun or may be horrid…but whatever be it, it is your own creation…the only thing that I say –“the only uninfluenced thought of our mind”………….

Even if it is related to something that you experience in real life… your dreams you vent into it…….my dreams are mine……….they mature with me…. They have life , they grow with me,,from cinderellas and fantasies of childhood dreams….they have grown into dreams of dreaming big…., they evolve…..they contain emotions, mine or their own,,, I have no clue….. but they breathe….
And they breathe my soul, they reflect my minds state…..

Though you hardly remember tits and bits of it when you come back to the so called “real” self,,,, but still they tickle you…….make you flutter high.
Still wondering on the enigma that this word embodies……”Dreamzzzzz”……………….

P.s- pinch me. Am I still in a dream……or am I dreaming reality……….

1 comment:

  1. The latest big hit at the movies, "Inception' used this idea. 'While u r in the dream, everything feels real!!'
    I also remember only a few dreams which were too etched into my emotions..!
    A very thought provoking post.. :)

    And u still haven't told me how u felt about my last Vampire Diaries post!! Hmm, U dint check it out :(
