Or rather black and blue….in and out that makes me go --oooo belly booooooooo…
Eehh!!!!!Pardon me with this weird start but cudn’t help it.. this is my Most Authentic reaction to my typically drowsy Monday mornings.
7:30- startled by my cell phone shrieking at me…. Almost exhausted of being snoozed again and again and again….. as if it was about to kill me for doing that to it….(I would have been killed someday if my cell phone started to take my actions to it on its heart…. :P)
…OMG late again…….
Don’t panic, don’t panic…….you”ll manage……. You specialize in running late..I reassured my panicky self…….I reassure myself or insult myself I still don’t know, but whatever it is, --what I know is that it surely helps…….
8:45- my class starts.. Finance today…shit, he”ll not let me in……..cursed myself and dashed from my hostel to the learning centre. When you are running late even 100 metrs seem to be a lengthy affair and you don’t even know whom to curse..;)
Skipped breakfast, this was a tradition for me now…….
8:52- may I get in sir, (sheepish voice that barely managed to make its way through my vocal chords….. ironical to my usual very loud dominating voice call…… I felt meek )
What followed was a nasty stare that scanned me and ripped me through and that eye movement instructing me to get in…..
Went back and sat with my loyal group of friends who as always had reserved a seat for me on the usual backbenches.
8:55- I take out a notebook from my bag and stare at its cover. It’s a ‘ Photoshop disaster’ There is a picture of a vase with roses that are three times the size of the vase. The text reads ‘Time and tide waits for none’. What does that have to do with oversized flowers? Huhhhh!!!!
I shrugged…… wondering how come I noticed it today only, with half the notebook already scribbled.
My so very important thought was intervined with Neha punching me hard.. ‘Did the assignment? And prepared for the quiz? It’s today no………….
Damn I havn’t done it….I did this inner melodrama to pacify myself I guess……coz she wasn’t interested……
The proff. Talked a lot today, about ratios and cash flows that very flawlessly did flow off my head or out of it….. I dunno……coz to me they were like nuclear reactions in my Cerebellum……….or better stated “chemical locha tha kuch boss……..”
Working capital…. Cash flow , fund flow analysis… depreciation….yawwwwnnnn………………. I just got the last word.
10:00- half an hour more for break..yaaawwwnn again………. “I am pretty consistent in my performance” :P
I looked around, Megha – like the geek she is, was so engrossed in the lecture as if it’s some meditation class…. Rohit, was having a tough time concentrating but was still staring, I wondered if that helped.
I tried, and what I could do was stare and duck with eyes heavy. I made a quick decision, I should sleep for 2 mins.
Decision implemented.
My bliss was quickly interwiend by the proffesors hoarse roll call……
I stood up, blank…..”who ,me?”
Yes you….
What are the stakeholders interests in a company’s annual report?
OOO la la……………….stumped….
His stare seemed to penetrate my brain as if he himself is trying to get an answer for his question straight from my brain… I guess he understood that there was a major imbalance in my neurotic annual reports and is perfectly full of “suspense accounts”..
Answer my question…..
And I wanted to say so badly that” I am bored….. and that his moustache is so perfectly perpendicular to his nose and That I don’t know the answer”
I just managed to blurt out something though……..momentary prudence I call it to be……..some jargons ..in form of a bhelpuri mix that I definitely not understood..but I managed to blurt out……
And he nodded………….
Omg.he nodded…………… was I right….?
If yes..what did I speak……….someone tell me too please……..
I felt stupid again………..
10:30- break……….was like music to my starved ears………. Solace!! Got to know the real meaning in depth of this word ………….i guess I get it every Monday………
p.s: all stated facts, fiction….but not the blues :(